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Soccer player Yūto Nagatomo, a member of Japan’s national team, is gearing up for the World Cup, which will kick off on Thursday. To lighten the mood, Nagatomo decided to become a Dragon Ball Super Saiyan.

Well, he decided to get Super Saiyan hair anyway. Nagatomo copped his best Kamehameha pose for a photo and revealed on Instagram and Twitter on Monday that he recently colored his hair blond. Nagaomo said in the post that he decided to “become a Super Saiyan” to help out his team. His team is in a tough and serious situation going into the World Cup, but his bright hair is making people laugh to alleviate some stress.

Judging by his comments on Twitter, Nagatomo doesn’t seem to think the new hair suits him, but he wants to support his team. Some commenters noted that the color seems appropriate to cheer on his team because blond is similar to gold, a winning color. (Akira Toriyama originally chose the color to make the original manga easier to draw.) The look also seems popular with Twitter users, who have shared a variety of tribute posts to Nagatomo’s new look.

Professional athletes including members of the NBA and NFL previously revealed their love of Dragon Ball.

Source: Yūto Nagatomo‘s Twitter account (link 2) via Kotaku